Finland has the capabilities to produce and utilise space services. |
Administrative branches will maintain and develop expertise, resources and infrastructure for efficient use of space services. At the same time, measures will be taken to minimise overlaps.
Finland will have the necessary self-sufficiency and partners in the utilisation and provision of space services, and the continuity of their supply chains is ensured. The business sector, the research community and the public sector are committed to cooperation in the provision and utilisation of space services and the construction of the necessary infrastructure.
Finland has the ability to construct and utilise the space situational awareness and is well-prepared for potential disruptions in space services and for recovering from them.
Finland will participate in research on space science and emerging technologies and will adopt the best practices learned from them for use in new applications. There is awareness of the research and training needs in the field of space activities, and they will be promoted on a systematic basis.
Finnish society will become more streamlined and efficient with the adoption of new applications and operating methods that utilise space services.