Radio Licences and Spectrum Monitoring
Satellite System Radio Licence
Radio transmitters in satellite systems include those installed on satellites and satellite earth stations. These transmitters are used for communication between satellites and earth stations, satellite control and management, the generation and transmission of satellite payload data, such as imagery, to Earth, and, for example, the uploading of software updates to satellites. GNSS repeaters are also classified as satellite system radio transmitters.
Deployment of radio transmitters in satellite systems requires international negotiations and these transmitters are subject to authorisation, except for terminal equipment that has been specifically exempted from licensing requirements.
Read more about satellite system radio licences
Earth Station Radio Licence
Transmitting Earth Stations
Transmitting earth stations in satellite systems require a radio licence when they are located within Finnish territory, unless they have been specifically exempted from licencing. In general, Traficom must coordinate the use of earth station frequencies with neighbouring countries before a radio licence can be granted and the frequencies put into operation.
Read more about Earth station and radar operation licences
Read more about satellite system Earth station radio licences
Receiving Earth Stations
The operation of an Earth station intended solely for reception does not require a radio licence in Finland. However, the reception of signals by such Earth stations is not protected against interference from other radio transmitters. The establishment and operation of a receiving Earth station usually require an Earth station operation licence.
Read more about Earth station and radar operation licences
Spectrum Supervision
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom acts as the spectrum supervising authority. In the event of potential radio interference affecting space operations, we can investigate and take action within the limits of our jurisdiction to resolve the issue.
Users of radio frequencies can report radio interference using the online form.
Satellite navigation service interference in Finland