Heureka Science Centre

Heureka in Vantaa, is a versatile experience environment that offers interactive exhibitions, science and learning programmes, planetarium films and various events throughout the year.


Our journey in Space 

Our journey in Space” exhibition is open until 11 January 2026. The exhibition shows how space activities are necessary to protect the Earth and life. The exhibition takes you to an imaginary space station of the future and explores space activities there by participating in the tasks of space professionals who protect the Earth and study the universe.


Planetarium is currently closed to the public due to the renovation project, but will be reopened at the end of 2025.

Science on a Sphere 

Science on a Sphere” is a sphere about two metres in diameter, on which four projectors reflects objects of space and satellite data on the oceans, climate and Earth's crust collected by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The site also has guided presentations for school groups: Moon Tour, Solar System Show 

Space Camps  

Heureka also organises Space Camps for primary school children during school holidays and as part of science camp activities. Tickets for the coming summer's camp are now on sale.

Exhibition sites related to the space theme 

The space offering is also complemented by Heureka's permanent exhibitions Heureka Classics and the Cylinder Hall: See Cosmic Radiation, For Whom the Bell Rings, Foucault's Pendulum and Science Park Galilei's Sundial and Water Rocket.


ESERO Finland 

ESERO Finland offers schools learning material packages, in-service training for teachers, and space-themed theme days and events.

Free in-service training for the education sector in the spring (in Finnish)
Early childhood education day (in Finnish)
Space-themed learning materials (in Finnish)

Other activities

The Space Weeks for schoolchildren and the space-themed family event will be held again in November-December 2025.