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SpaceFinland gives a look at Finnish space sector companies and research as well as the Finnish space administration

Learn about Finland's space activities


  • News item
    18.4.2024 14:44

    ESA´s class of 2022 astronaut candidates graduate

    One year of basic training will culminate to a graduation ceremony for ESA’s class of 2022 astronaut candidates. The training comprised, for example, medical training, stimulated spacewalks, survival training, technical skills and lessons in astronomy, astrophysics and meteorology.

  • News item
    16.4.2024 10:22

    The winners of the European Space Leader Award have been announced

    The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) has announced the winners of the European Space Leader Award (ESLA) 2024. One of them is Kiira Tiensuu, who acts as a National Point of Contact for Finland at the SGAC.

  • News item
    27.3.2024 15:16

    Growth outlook for space enterprises: turnover, exports and employment on the rise

    The New Space Economy has become one of the most promising sectors, offering new opportunities for both small and medium-sized enterprises and large global companies. Based on Business Finland's customer data, more than 200 companies have been identified as potential actors in the value chain of space technology and satellite services.


  • Column
    18.4.2024 9:04

    ESERO Finland aims to develop Finnish science and technology expertise

    ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) is the European Space Agency ESA’s most important channel for supporting science education in schools. ESERO activities promote scientific learning and increase interest toward space sciences and…

  • Column
    8.4.2024 13:21

    In Earth’s orbit

    The extensive space interview with Tero Vihavainen, Secretary General of the Finnish Space Committee, has been published in the “Ydin” magazine 1/2024. Now we publish it also in SpaceFinland website. Step on a spaceship! Editor-in-chief of the…

  • Column
    22.3.2024 12:04

    Space Strategy

    On 20 December 2023, the Minister of Economic Affairs appointed a working group to prepare the updating of the national space strategy. The working group is led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and it includes experts from a wide…