Updates regarding the influencing work on the EU Space Law initiative

Publication date 24.3.2025 15.14 | Published in English on 24.3.2025 at 15.35
Type:News item

European Commission is expected to present a proposal for an EU Space Act in the second quarter of 2025.


EU Space Law initiative

In February 2024 a news item on SpaceFinland shed some light on EU Space Law initiative which was launched by the European Commission in September 2023. Pursuant to the Commission Work Programme 2024, the legislative proposal was expected to be published during the first quarter of 2024. 

Publishing the proposal has been delayed. Now, according to the Commission Work Programme 2025, the Commission is expected to present a proposal for an EU Space Act in the second quarter of 2025.

Non-papers on EU Space Law initiative

Finland has shared views regarding the initiative in its non-paper of January 2024 in which it suggested that instead of new binding obligations upon the space actors in the EU, the focus should be put on supporting or incentive measures. You can read the non-paper here.  

The delays with the initiative has left room for further specifying the views in another non-paper. This time the views were expressed in collaboration with Sweden. 

The non-paper by Finland and Sweden on potential EU Space Act was sent to the Commission and other EU Member States in March 2025. The starting point of the non-paper is that EU should reduce the regulatory and administrative burden while efforts should be made to support technological capacity-building and innovation and to incentivize public and private investments in the space sector. For that purpose, an approach that would put the focus on supporting and incentive measures instead of binding obligations would be welcome. You can read the non-paper here.  

Any (new) views on the matter?

In formulating Finland's position, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Finland) will continue to strive for close stakeholder co-operation and encourages exchange of views on the matter. If you wish to express your opinion on the EU Space Law initiative to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, you may contact Ms. Heidi Pennanen.