Draft Act on the establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre circulated for comments

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the draft government proposal for acts amending the Act on the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Act on the Defence Forces. The amendments would enable the establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre in Finland. Statements can be issued until 30 June 2024.
At the moment, no authority in Finland observes and monitors disruptions and dangerous situations in outer space and space activities in a coordinated manner. The National Space Situational Awareness Centre would produce and disseminate this information to the Defence Forces, other authorities and companies critical to security of supply as well as universities and research institutes.
The Space Situational Awareness Centre would produce a space situational awareness picture in cooperation with Finland's international partner countries and in close cooperation with international organisations responsible for space supervision.
The Centre would be established in connection with the existing functions
According to the draft proposal, the Centre would operate in different locations. The civilian command centre would be established in connection with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the military command centre in connection with the Defence Forces. The nearby space observation systems managed by the National Land Survey of Finland would be utilised in producing space situation data needed by the Centre.
The draft act proposes that the Finnish Meteorological Institute be assigned the task of providing space situational awareness services. The Defence Forces would be tasked with acquiring, producing and sharing information on the space situational awareness picture. At the same time, provisions would be laid down on the exchange of confidential information between the authorities participating in the activities of the Space Situational Awareness Centre.
The National Land Survey of Finland would be tasked with observing Finland's national space situational awareness in the Government Decree on the National Land Survey of Finland.
The establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre requires funding
The establishment of the Space Situational Awareness Centre requires funding. If the Government proposes funding for the Space Situational Awareness Centre in the autumn 2024 budget session and Parliament approves it and the legislative amendments, the amendments will enter into force and the establishment of the Centre can begin at the beginning of 2025.
In 2022, the Ministry of Transport and Communications appointed a steering group to examine how national space situational awareness activities should be developed. On 3 May 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Communications published a unanimous final report of the steering group recommending the establishment of a National Space Situational Awareness Centre. The steering group consisted of representatives from several ministries.
What's next?
The deadline for comments on the draft act is 30 June 2024. All organisations and citizens can issue statements online (www.lausuntopalvelu.fi). After the consultation round, the preparation of the act will continue by civil servants.
Further information:
Ministry of Transport and Communications: Suvi Lahtikankare, tel. 0295 342 105, [email protected]
Ministry of Defence: Kosti Honkanen, tel. 0295 140 607, [email protected]
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Ada Ketelimäki, tel. 0295 162 003, [email protected]
Source: Ministry of Transport and Communications