The Security Strategy for Society takes also space issues into account

Finland's space industry is growing strongly. Finnish satellite operators offer their services globally not only to civilian actors but also to the security and defence sector.
The Security Strategy for Society describes the vital functions of society, assessment of related risks, strategic tasks to secure the functions, as well as the involvement of different actors. Space issues have also been taken into account in the security strategy. We are now publishing the section on space activities of the Security Strategy on the SpaceFinland website. |
Ensuring access to space services
Aim and objectives of the action
The aim is to ensure that space-based services necessary for the functioning of society and for official work are available to security, defence and security of supply actors in all situations. Preparations are made for potential disruptions and the impacts of the disruptions on the functioning of the authorities and society can be minimised. To this end, we need national capabilities, international cooperation and the strengthening and utilisation of our national specificities.
Mission statement
Finland will strengthen its own national capabilities especially in the processing of satellite signals and the operation of terrestrial infrastructure. International cooperation plays a key role in developing capabilities in space. Finland is active in achieving the capabilities required in the European Union, the European Space Agency and NATO.
Preparedness and security in society will be improved comprehensively, for example by developing national capabilities to maintain a space situation picture. In addition, value chains and infrastructures related to the utilisation of space services will be identified and they will be prepared for risks threatening their continuity of operations.
The availability of capabilities requiring international cooperation is maintained and verified through cooperation agreements, active participation in the development of satellite systems and operational cooperation.
In order for Finland to be an interesting and desired partner, we must have the necessary expertise and resources for cooperation. In addition, we must have something to offer in exchange for the capabilities we have acquired. This can take advantage of our national specificities, such as our northern position in the Arctic, which is interesting for the operation of satellites, and certain areas of excellence in research.
The national Space Strategy for 2024-2030 describes Finland's goals, objectives and actions related to space activities in four pillars: the utilisation of space services in society (including defence, security and security of supply), the development of the space operating environment, capabilities and international cooperation. The importance of space services is also taken into account in the Government Decision on the Objectives of Security of Supply.
Finland has a decentralised space administration, the activities of which are coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Substance responsibilities have been allocated to different ministries and agencies in accordance with the duties of administrative branches (Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Education and Culture)
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom acts as the licensing authority for ground stations and space radar operations, agrees on the use of frequencies internationally and promotes the consideration of the safety aspects of ground station operations. It is also responsible for the official functions of the Public Regulated Service (PRS) of the Galileo positioning system.
The universities of Helsinki, Turku, Oulu and Vaasa and Aalto University provide training and research related to space activities. The Finnish Meteorological Institute, the National Land Survey of Finland, the Finnish Environment Institute and the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland carry out research and significant operational activities related to remote sensing and satellite navigation. The National Emergency Supply Agency promotes the integration of space services into security of supply planning. Business Finland manages the participation of Finnish actors in ESA programmes within the framework of our financial commitments.
Finland's space industry is growing strongly. The key competence areas are the design and construction of small satellites and their subsystems, the analysis of satellite data, security critical software solutions and secure telecommunications solutions. Finnish satellite operators offer their services globally not only to civilian actors but also to the security and defence sector.