The Finnish Government issued a decree on the threshold values of satellite remote sensing referred to in the Act on Space Activities
News item
On 29 June 2023, the Finnish Government issued a decree on the threshold values of the performance of satellite remote sensing equipment. In case of their exceedance, the remote sensing is subject to the Act on Space Activities. The decree will enter into force on 3 July 2023.
The decree follows the amendment to the Act on Space Activities that entered into force on 1 February 2023, by which satellite remote sensing was made subject to authorization and supervision in Finland. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment acts as the licensing and supervisory authority. The Decree indicates the technical limit values above which satellite remote sensing is considered capable of producing such accurate remote sensing data that it could have detrimental effects on national security or foreign and security policy interests.. The decree specifies the technical threshold values, the exceedance of which is considered capable of producing remote sensing data of such high resolution, that adverse effects for national security or Finland´s foreign and security policy interests could accrue.

The presently specified threshold values apply to remote sensing of other space objects or the Earth. At present, it has not been considered necessary to legislate the threshold values relevant to the remote sensing of other celestial bodies. Currently, there is no activity on other celestial bodies such that the data obtained through their remote sensing would be assessed to have adverse effects on national security or from the perspective of Finnish foreign or security policy.

Whilst specifying the threshold values, efforts have been made to balance safety and security interests with the operational requirements for business and research. The threshold values have been defined in light of the international legislation and comparison, with the interest of not placing Finnish operators into a disadvantaged position in relation to foreign actors as a result of a stricter regulatory regime.
Nathalie Dahl, Government Secretary, tel. 0295 047 232
Heidi Pennanen, Senior Specialist, tel. 029 504 7211