Strategy measures: Conditions for accessing the market
Business Finland will increase the appeal of the sector by enabling and encouraging new experiments through pilot projects.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Business Finland will open up opportunities for space activities to a wider group of companies.
Business Finland recognises and facilitates international opportunities for the utilisation of Finnish space solutions and space data as well as investments in Finland.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Business Finland, Finnvera and Finnish Industry Investment Ltd facilitate patient funding for projects requiring space infrastructure by attracting foreign funding and developing public funding opportunities.
The authorities make procurements through which space companies receive the first reference.
Business Finland will continue to fund the preparation of innovative public procurement.
The authorities ensure that national legislation supports and does not unduly restrict business and that the authorisation processes related to space activities are efficient (authorisation for space activities, export licences, radio licence).
The relevant authorities, together with the security authorities, shall take a position on investments in land stations and shall implement the necessary legislative amendments, taking into account national security.