Interactive Enterprise Portal for Space Economy opened - Ensure company visibility on portal

Publication date 27.1.2025 12.52
Type:News item

The EU Interreg AuroraSpace project led by the University of Vaasa has opened an interactive map-based enterprise portal that presents Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian space sector companies.

View the portal and companies and the products, services and collaboration opportunities they offer here.

The portal offers companies a unique opportunity:

  • to gain visibility in the Nordic space economy network
  • find partners and build valuable contacts with other actors in the sector
  • to be involved in strengthening the ecosystem of the space economy and cross-border cooperation in the Aurora region

Please respond to the Company Survey to update your company's information in the Enterprise Portal. By participating, you can bring up your company's activities and future plans in more detail in the portal, which makes it easier to find cooperation partners and expand the network.

Link to survey: Company survey

This is a unique opportunity for companies operating in Finland, Sweden and Norway to use the interactive portal and actively participate in the development of the Nordic space economy.

Join in and strengthen the Nordic space economy ecosystem!

On the website of the AuroraSpace project, you can also find more information about the project's other services for companies as well as a comprehensive list of space trainings at different Nordic universities.